bearcove was founded by @fasterthanlime in late 2024 to handle the legal aspects of doing open source maintenance and publishing article and videos online.
Content creation
bearcove operates:
- with long-form Rust content
- with a variety of tech videos
That content receives funding through:
Additionally, bearcove cooperates with OneVariable UG to produce:
- the Self-Directed Research podcast
bearcove specializes in the Rust language, network protocols, build systems, compilers, and other fun things.
Past customers include:
- axo — cross-compilation support for dist
- astral — build time / CI time improvements for uv, HTTP caching
- row zero — streaming zip support added to rc-zip
- mimocad — event processing and broadcasting, data validation, code review
- — HTTP reverse proxy, TLS termination, orchestration
- netlify — platform engineering, internal Rust training
- — diff/patching of large games, desktop installer
Open source
bearcove maintains various semi-experimental Rust projects:
- merde — another take on serialization with declarative macros and “metastack” support
- rubicon — macros to make dangerous dynamic linking pattern in Rust a little safer
- rc-zip — a sans-io ZIP implementation in Rust focused on compatibility
- loona — an HTTP/1+2 implementation on top of io_uring, with kTLS support
Legal / Mentions légales
bearcove SARL is a company with a capital of 10 000 euros, registered with the RCS (registre du commerce et des sociétés) of Lyon under the number 934 149 618.
Its address is:
bearcove SARL
4 Quai Jean Moulin
c/o La Cordée SAS
69001 Lyon, France
And its VAT number is FR41934149618.
The sole owner and manager of bearcove SARL is Amos Wenger, you can reach them at
This website and other bearcove properties like are hosted on a mix of hosts from:
DNS is handled by gcore.